Thursday, July 7, 2011

Get er' Done

     Discipline is not only a word that I could never spell, it has also been an idea whose understanding has eluded me for most of my life.  Before you judge me, please don't think me a women of little accomplishments.  I could give a long list of things that I can do or have achieved, but sadly, most of them did not come through discipline or hard work.  To be quite frank, I just happen to be good at a lot of things.  Now as cocky as that sounds, I promise, I have no intention of using this blog to boast.  Of the the 15,000+ things that I know how to do, I am disappointingly, a master of none.  Why?  I never knew what it meant to be disciplined.  All the talent in the world will get you nowhere if you lack it.  As Roy L. Smith (the author of the "Know Your Bible" series) so eloquently put it, "Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability". 
     I have learned over the past few years that I have wasted both my talents and my time by being lazy.  Its a hard swallow, but it was cathartic to say the the least.  I have made a conscious decision to "get my life together" and that starts with a fervent race to undue the past 29 years. I know I can't ever get that wasted time back, but I can change my future by deciding to get off my lazy ass and bridging the gap between my goals and accomplishment. The only bridge proven to last, is discipline. So that's it, I will keep everyone updated on my journey over the next few months. Peace out y'all. Im off to Get er' done. Everything, that is...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Decade, A new Start! Happy 2010

My resolutions...And making them work
1. Live my life for myself and the wellbeing of my children...
Pretty Good so far...Its day seven and I have already made some serious decisions that are the right choice for us...not the masses.
2. Stop cursing.
This is a toughy! LOL! For those of you who know me from high school and prior to that, you're thinking, "Mystala? Curse? Never?" Well, Moving to Georgia has become my equivalent of joining the United States Navy! I sound like a sailor, and Im not proud. So far, Its been hard and I've slipped several times, but today, I haven't said one four letter word. Here's to progress!
3. Don't cut my hair! (until I graduate)
This is an easy one. Only had the desire once, and it passed in a few days. So far so good, but its creeping its way down my back and I hope im not sitting on it by the time Im holding my degree!
4. Buy a new car...Van or Suv...
This is a necessity but its a ways away...I need something reliable...No more Craigs list Jalopy's!
5. Live where I Love...
Not there yet...
6. Develop my creative business
This website is the first step!
7. Be bikini Ready by 2011
LOL! Not even close!
8. Get organized!
No cigar!
9. Be honest to a fault!
Easy so far, but in just the first week I've realized why poeple tell "lwl's" Gotta keep going though.
10. Make amends and keep Promises
Now this kinda sounds like I've harmed someone in some way or broken promises, but that is not true. I just really want to be thought of as Women of substance, morals, and one who's word is worth its salt!

I know all things are possible through Christ who stregnthens me and I have laid these goals at his feet. I Pray that he blesses me with the fortitude to see that they all come to pass. Amen.
Update-coming soon!